Monday 7 March 2011

Low Cost Online Business Startup

It must be the time of year because some really great stuff has been landing on my desk recently and I’m not just talking about bottles of wine and boxes of Ferrerro Rocher chocs!

This week I received news of a brand new business opportunity that’s now available and thought it was perfect to pass on to you in this week’s eletter. The reason being that one of the questions I get asked all the time is: “How much money do I need to start up an online business?”

This is a very good question and that’s why this week, if you have a few minutes to spare between doing your Christmas shopping and resisting the temptation to start munching your way through that tin of Quality Street, I suggest you take a look at this…

However serious you are about starting your own home business, I know that the cost of setting it all up can be a concern sometimes and a bit off-putting. It stops you from going for it and that is a real shame. However, I also know from my own experience that there are plenty of ways around this, and what I want to recommend to you today is one such way.

If you haven’t got a lot of available funds, this is a brilliant way to get your online business started and I’m delighted to tell you that it comes from Charlie Wright, who as you may know always puts his business ideas across in a simple, step by step, no-nonsense, plain speaking kind of way. In fact he describes himself as an ‘ordinary, lazy bloke from East London’. But by following a few simple steps from ‘lazy Charlie’, you could be up and running with this within 21 days and be adding around £500 a week (or more) to your income.

The best bit is that there is minimal outlay and very little risk which is always very welcome news! You can start simply with 30 minutes a day browsing the internet. Another 30 minutes a day to 'run' the business. And from that you could create a rolling income of £500-£2000 per week, so you can do this and still work full-time if you want to.

You can copy Charlie’s proven plan without the need to buy fancy software, you won’t need any specialist training, no tools, no premises, no staff – just you, you don’t even need any contacts or credentials. Seriously, you don’t even need any products! All you do need is a PC and a spare 30 minutes a day and as I’ve said Charlie has made this extra simple for you to understand and put in to action.

Interested? Then here’s more…

Now you’ve probably already heard of the term ‘public domain’ – this refers to information that is freely available for anyone to see. But whilst what I’m about to introduce to you does concern the ‘public domain’, this time there is a very clever twist! In fact you’ll be taking that readily available information and then giving it away…free. What’s more you will only have to write a series of short emails to start the ball rolling and Charlie will show you exactly how to do it by providing templates and everything – you really can’t go wrong with this.

I know that giving away free information for free sounds completely bonkers, but stick with me here because this could really make you a great online income.

Anyone can use this, and it works. It’s a proven marketing technique that anyone with a little bit of get up and go can use to generate a great income from home – without products and without a payment system.

That’s sounds even more bonkers doesn’t it? But believe me; this can make you money because you’ll be taking a slice of other people’s profits. And I hasten to add it’s all perfectly legal, in fact big and small businesses use it and as I’ve said even complete beginners who have no internet experience at all can use it.

This is, by far, the easiest, sneakiest, cheapest way to legally 'break into' an online business. In fact it’s been described as ‘A method that works so well…the bank will think you’re money-laundering.’

Just to doubly reassure you, Charlie’s 'infiltration' method is absolutely legal. It allows ordinary people just like you to start skimming money off other people's products and hard work and unlike most cloak-and-dagger promotions, one of the best things about this opportunity is that Charlie tells you exactly what this involves right at the start. He’s not one for mincing his words so I urge you to check out his report right away.

Take a look, see what this involves and decide if it’s for you. I’m sure you’ve got a few minutes to do that. Wouldn’t you rather take your future in to your own hands instead of waiting for an amazing job with loads of perks to fall in to your lap! Because, sorry to disappoint you but this just doesn’t happen. If you want to afford the finer things in life, take action and just do it.

Find more articles and resources for things such as Ebay Business on

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